Rental and Lease
DynaRent Mobile App

Enhance field service efficiency with a mobile app

Equip your field service engineers with DynaRent Mobile App to efficiently carry out delivery, repair, and maintenance work on customer sites.


How our solution can help you

Get real-time visibility into data

Get real-time visibility into data

Data entered by field engineers is instantly visible to the back office team. This accelerates administrative processes and tasks, such as invoicing and scheduling.

Improve field service with the user-friendly app

Boost field service performance

Notifies engineers about where they need to go, which tools and spare parts they need to carry, what issues they need to fix. Provides all the relevant information to complete the job.


Manage field service in one place

Provides a single platform to maintain all field service processes, enabling field service engineers to provide seamless, quality service to clients.

What to expect from the key features

Key Feature

User-friendly dashboards

The dashboard provides a simple and user-friendly overview of the daily tasks and relevant information at their fingertips to complete all the tasks on-field efficiently.

User-friendly dashboards-mobile
Key Feature

Geo-location and geo-tracking capabilities

Use the local navigation tool on the app to find the exact client location. The navigation feature allows field service engineers and truckers to find the quickest route and reach the client site without delays.

Key Feature

Digital Sign-Off

Once the on-field task or delivery of the equipment is complete, field engineers and truckers can get immediate, digital sign-off from customers. The signature captured on-site is then transferred back to the ERP system for direct billing, which significantly reduces delays, errors, and the workload of the back office team.

Digital Sign-Off-mobile
Key Feature

Offline Capabilities

Field service engineers and truckers usually work at remote areas and locations which may not have strong network coverage. With offline capabilities, field staff can perform their work smoothly even in restricted, low, or no internet coverage areas.


DynaRent Mobile App Factsheet

DynaRent Mobile App addresses the key problems faced by field service engineers. It features essential functionalities required to boost productivity on the field and improve customer experience.

Talk to an industry expert


Cor Tiemens

Equipment Rental and Lease Specialist

As a seasoned expert, Cor has helped companies in various industries with process improvement, automation and business intelligence.


Cor Tiemens

Equipment Rental and Lease Specialist