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Weigh and dispense accurately for safer and faster product manufacturing

Accurate weighing and dispensing are crucial for consistently producing safe and effective drugs. Even minor deviations can impact a drug's effectiveness, risk patient safety, and harm your company's reputation.  

Our pharmaceutical software can help automate the process to increase accuracy, enhance control, reduce costs, and maintain compliance in the weighing and dispensing process. This solution lets operators precisely weigh ingredients using electronic scales and automatically dispense labels with essential information. Operators use smart devices to scan container barcodes, ensuring only verified ingredients are used for manufacturing. 

STAEDEAN Life Sciences Weighing and Dispensing solution is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365. The software helps you uphold compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11.

Key Challenges

Dependency on manual work
Manual entry of weighted quantities increases human errors. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, even slight inaccuracy in measurement can render the entire batch ineffective
Inconsistent quality
Inaccurate or inconsistent weighing and dispensing leads to inconsistent quality. The inability to maintain product quality and consistency may lead to regulatory non-compliance and customer mistrust.  
Inventory update lag
When weighing and dispensing operations are performed manually, additional efforts are required to update the inventory, introducing lag in the process. This lag may result in inaccurate stock-level reports.  

Formula and dispensing management

Define the list of components to be collected in the dispensing area and manage the accepted tolerance for each ingredient. Control and release the dispensing orders in the dispensing area and monitor the status. 

Tools and cleaning management

Manage calibration and verification tests for scales and gauges. Configure cleaning rules in the pharmaceutical software based on frequency and cleaning type. Enforce checks on the execution of cleaning operations.  

Compliant inventory management

Adjust the inventory levels automatically. Track the history of batch orders, add reason codes for traceability and control of actions, and configure security roles and permissions.  
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Ensure consistent quality

Integrate precision weighing scales and automate dispensing for guaranteed accuracy and consistent quality in every iteration.  

Minimize manual processes

Automate material verification and digitize weighing and dispensing operations to limit the manual processes and risk of error with STAEDEAN’s pharmaceutical manufacturing software. 

Automate inventory update

Record quantities and details about dispensing transactions and update the inventory automatically. 

Enable complete traceability

Supervise movement and control of all dispensing batches to ensure traceability. Maintain transparency and visibility with reason codes for traceability.

Ensure compliance

Stay compliant with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11 guidelines by controlling critical actions with electronic signatures, audit trails, consistent quality, and accurate documentation. 

Integrate scales and scanners

Incorporate electronic scales, barcode scanning, and labeling technology for weighing and dispensing with our pharmaceutical software. Ensure timely and accurate material delivery with correct labeling. Use calibrated scales, for precise results and compliance adherence. 


Automated Weighing and Dispensing

Automated Weighing and Dispensing

Weigh accurately with electronic scales integrated with our pharmaceutical software embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management and distribute by printing a label with all details about the ingredients.

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Record, track, and update the inventory levels to prevent stockouts.

Quality Control

Quality Control

Manage quality by regulating ingredients and measuring accurate quantities for production.  

Compliance Assurance

Compliance Assurance

Adhere to regulatory requirements through correct documentation and validation.  

Report Management

Report Management

Create dispensing transaction reports, production cost and variance reports, calibration and verification reports, and control reports.

Frequently asked questions

Can't find what you're looking for?

Can I interface scales with your solution

Yes, our weighing and dispensing module can be interfaced with most of the scales utilized in the pharmaceutical industry.

Can GHS pictograms be displayed during the Weighing and Dispensing process?

GHS pictograms, hazard, and precautionary statements can be displayed throughout the Weighing and Dispensing process to support the operator. You can also configure additional information or instructions to guide the operator.

Can your solution calibrate and maintain the weighing equipment?

Yes, calibration tasks can be defined, executed, and recorded according to the required frequency. Our pharmaceutical manufacturing software ensures that only successfully calibrated instruments are used. 

Does your solution support real-time inventory management?

Yes, since our Weighing and Dispensing solution allows instantaneous inventory updates to adjust the weighed quantities. Real-time controls also prevent the use and consumption of expired, quarantined, or rejected materials. 

Does your solution require second-person verification to perform a weighing operation?

Second-person verification for weighing is usually unnecessary since our solution is fully integrated with electronic scales and does not require manual input. However, in case of communication interruption between the scales and the computers, our system requires second-person verification to ensure the accuracy and integrity of manually entered data.


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