Analytics & Business Intelligence
Simplify data modelling

Streamline analytics with point-and-click, model-driven solutions

Streamline analytics in Dynamics 365 Streamline analytics in Dynamics 365
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Are you finding it difficult to derive analytics?

Heavy dependence on a set of individuals who understand the complex business logic

Complex business logic stored in multiple tables is hard to understand and use for analytics purposes. We offer a graphical approach to answer business-critical questions.

Poor extensibility leading to high maintenance costs

Adding new fields or formulas can become a time-taking task for technology teams. We help you lower the costs with managed processes in place.

Combining insights from multiple sources is complicated

Data no longer resides in a single application and it becomes crucial to combine data across different sources. We make it easy to extract quality data from multiple sources.

Time lost in translating business needs to analytics requirements

Business and technical users speak different languages and there's time lost in translating business needs to analytics requirements. Our solutions simplify end-to-end analytics management.

Key Features

Graphical modeling to convert from unstructured to structured data

Our apps offer an intuitive graphical approach to modeling data to answer critical business questions. Business analytics to data scientists to IT administrators alike - all are empowered.

convert from unstructured to structured data

Pre-packaged BI best practices

A comprehensive data repository architecture with input, modeling, and output layers. Data from multiple sources is handled uniformly and managed processes are in place for handling a global information model.

Business intelligence best-practices

Out-of-the-box templates for industry/domain insights

A wide variety of pre-built modeling and analytics packs for modules in the Finance & Supply Chain management domain, as well as modules within the manufacturing and rental industries.

Out-of-the-box analytics templates

Foundation for advanced and predictive analytics (IOT, ML, AI)

Our modeling and analytics solutions provide a foundational framework for advanced and predictive analytics such as predictive maintenance, equipment optimization, next-best-action, etc. using underlying technologies such as the Internet of things, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

advanced and Predictive analytics

Eliminate the challenges in deriving analytics:


Empower key business users to drive analytics

Reduce dependency on technology teams by giving control to your business users to easily model and realize analytics given the point and click data model designer.


Faster speed to analytics

Simplify complex business logic with an intuitive visual approach so that you realize analytics instantly. Also, tap into our suite of pre-built analytics packs to gain insights into an industry or domain rapidly without having to start from scratch.


Reduce data management and maintenance effort

Industry-leading data warehouse architecture to help you manage a global information data model with ease, including updates and deprecations.


Take actions based on key business metrics

With business logic simplification and pre-built, out-of-the-box capabilities, key business metrics would be at your fingertips to trigger actions to achieve business objectives.


Future-proof the BI landscape for business needs

Business intelligence and analytics best practices along with extensibility to advanced and predictive analytics come embedded in our out-of-the-box analytics suite, empowering you to drive business goals efficiently.

To Increase insights

Explore our collection of resources aimed at helping you make informed decisions using analytics and business intelligence.

Blog posts
{descr=Data preparation and extraction in Dynamics 365 can be challenging. But these challenges can be solved with a no-code analytics solution such as the Data Modeling Studio. Access this factsheet for more details., feat_image={alt=DMS thumbnail, height=215, max_height=215, max_width=350, size_type=auto, src=, width=350}, page_factsheet=54091868431}
Page 54091868431 Data Modeling Studio for Dynamics 365 F&SCM
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Data Modeling Studio for Dynamics 365 F&SCM

Data preparation and extraction in Dynamics 365 can be challenging. But these challenges can be solved with a no-code analytics solution such as the Data Modeling Studio. Access this factsheet for ...
{descr=Optimize your business outcomes with powerful analytics tools such as the Business Intelligence Suite that is platform agnostic and can future proof your business intelligence landscape. View this factsheet for details, feat_image={alt=BAS-Thumbnail -bigger, height=340, max_height=340, max_width=544, size_type=auto, src=, width=544}, page_factsheet=53697315086}
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Optimize your business outcomes with powerful analytics tools such as the Business Intelligence Suite that is platform agnostic and can future proof your business intelligence landscape. View this ...

Data Modeling Studio Factsheet

Explore how Data Modeling Studio can help you navigate data access and analytics challenges. It not only provides you dynamic access to the data, but it also provides you actionable insights for your business.

Find your analytics maturity

Analytics Maturity Assessment

Explore how you can maximize your analytics output and have complete control over your data by taking our analytics maturity assessment created by industry experts. Also, get a detailed report with action steps.


Talk to an expert


Jerry Caous

Senior Sales Director

Jerry’s expertise will guide you through our solutions to get the most out of Microsoft Dynamics 365.  


Jerry Caous

Senior Sales Director