Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
Dec 7, 2016 2:02:21 PM

Join us while we explore how DynaRent for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations can optimize equipment driven companies. Especially how they plan and monitor availability, transport and services. Due to the fact they are using graphical equipment and resource planning boards.

Therefore our top focus will be to show you how DynaRent graphical equipment and resource planning boards deliver real-time insight into:

  • Equipment availability - from a 360 degree perspective for both serialized and bulk products
  • Registered orders and/or quotations
  • Registered service & maintenance jobs
  • Technical availability (i.e. damages, malfunctions)
  • Physical location of the equipment
  • Optimal substitute products and/or sub-rental capacity if requested equipment isn’t available
  • Future workloads for transport & service activities
  • Transport & service resource availability
  • Third party transport & service processes support
  • Location, customer, and order-specific agreements for transports and/or service
Graphical equipment and resource planning boards
Image 1: Graphical equipment overview for bulk and serialized equipment

Webinar highlights we’ll discuss - complete graphical dashboards:

Because DynaRent enables planners to assign virtually all activities directly from their graphical dashboards. Therefore we will have a complete view that can cover all angles for rental, leasing, and service scenarios. And at the same time schedule everything accordingly.

In addition, we’ll demonstrate how planners can assign equipment backed by full information automation. Consequently this ensures well-organized, accurate equipment lifecycles.

Tuesday, December 20 2016
17.00 – 17:30 CET (Europe)
16:00 – 16:30 pm BST (London)
11:00 – 11:30 am EST (New York)
10:00 – 10:30 am CST (Florida)
08:30 – 09:00 am IST (New Delhi)

Thursday, December 22 2016
09:30 – 10:00 CET (Europe)
18:30 – 19:00 pm BST (London)
04:30 – 05:00 am EST (New York)
02:30 – 03:00 am CST (Florida)
01:00 – 01:30 pm IST (New Delhi)

We hope you’ll mark your calendar and register today. We encourage you also to forward this invitation to colleagues you think we be interested in our webinar.

Graphical equipment and resource planning boards
Image 2: Graphical service planning for your resources, resource groups or man-operated equipment
Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
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