D365 Finance & Supply Chain Release Policy

Dynamics 365 F&SCM updates are backward compatible with ISV solutions

Microsoft maintains a policy of binary backward compatibility for D365 F&SCM (see also this page for more details). This means that you can deploy the latest update of D365 F&SCM while keeping the ISV solution unchanged and without a need to recompile the solution. The goal of Microsoft is that the quarterly updates of D365 F&SCM are not only binary compatible but also functionally compatible so that a monthly update of D365 F&SCM does not break the ISV solution in place and vice versa.

Update Policy

The One Version policy from Microsoft (located here) requests the customer to have their production environment updated every quarter to the latest D365 F&SCM update. Microsoft can allow a customer to lapse for 1 update on the quarterly schedule for D365 F&SCM.
To support this kind of scenario, To-Increase strives to create updates for its solutions that can be used with older versions ( a.k.a. are backwards compatible) with that same minimum version of D365 F&SCM, meaning that our efforts focus on ensuring our new updates will remain compatible with a maximum of 2 previous versions.

Note that it may happen – despite the best efforts of Microsoft and To-Increase – that a new D365 F&SCM update is not backwards compatible with a To-Increase solution. Therefore, To-Increase indicates the minimum required D365 F&SCM update for each of its solutions. Please note that this minimum required version could be older than what Microsoft considers their oldest version.

If a new D365 F&SCM update is not backwards compatible with a specific To-Increase solution, this will be indicated. An update of the To-Increase solution will be provided on this latest D365F&SCM update, and the overview of release information will show the latest version number as “Minimum Required”.

If your environment is not managed by Microsoft, but you have your own managed environment, the forced update to the latest update is not enforced. This could lead to a situation where your versions are no longer actively supported.
If this is the case, we strongly advise you to maintain the minimum upgrade schedule enforced by Microsoft, which is two updates a year, both for the D365 F&SCM solution as well for all your ISV-solutions.


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