Engineering Change Requests App Available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Apr 23, 2014
Several months ago, we released our mobile Product Engineering App for Microsoft Dynamics AX....
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New Manufacturing Integration Simplifies Control of Equipment Service

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Apr 9, 2014
Version 2013 R2 of To-Increase Industrial Equipment Manufacturing offers integration with the...

Word App and Windows Azure Simplify Manufacturing Document Management

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Apr 2, 2014
For project-based manufacturers who use Microsoft Dynamics NAV in integration with To-Increase...
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The Three Main Advantages of the Internet of Things (IoT) for Manufacturers

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Feb 18, 2014
As we mentioned in our post on February 6, there are many possible ways the internet of things can...
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Industrial Equipment Manufacturing company gets Global ERP Infrastructure

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Feb 13, 2014
When the IT environment at Wheelabrator Group, the surface preparation equipment manufacturing...

Use Connected ERP to Take Advantage of Robotics in Manufacturing

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jan 15, 2014
That knock on your door may be an employee looking for more interesting work. Or it could be a...
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Bring More Mobility & Connectivity to Tasks and Roles

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jan 5, 2014
Good news for companies using, deploying, or planning for ERP: Solutions are advancing to be more...
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Microsoft Manufacturing Director Gives Top Mark to Product Engineering

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Nov 12, 2013
As a Senior Director and Manufacturing Industry Lead for Microsoft Dynamics, Melissa Cook talks to...

Mobility in Manufacturing: 4 Avenues to Increased Effectiveness

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Oct 16, 2013
Mobility is ubiquitous. Almost everybody carries one or more mobile devices—smart phones, tablets,...

ERP Simplifies, and Supports Global Growth for Equipment Manufacturer

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 26, 2013
Jansen Poultry Equipment (JPE) updated its business systems by implementing and integrating several...
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