When Hype Becomes Relevant: How Innovation Cycles Work with ERP

Eric Van HofwegenEric Van Hofwegen
Dec 20, 2013
Sooner or later, most hype cycles become practical and result in technology that is valuable for...
When Hype Becomes Relevant: How Innovation Cycles Work with ERP

Business Process Management: Preparing Solution Implementations

Eric Van HofwegenEric Van Hofwegen
Sep 25, 2013
In the final post of our three-part series on RapidValue and business process management, we show...
3Business Process Management: Preparing Solution Implementations

Business Process Management: Why it Matters to You

Eric Van HofwegenEric Van Hofwegen
Sep 4, 2013
In this three-part series, we focus on the importance of business process management in your ERP...
Business Process Management: Why it Matters to You

Supply Chain Networks Face the 3D Printing Revolution

Eric Van HofwegenEric Van Hofwegen
Jul 31, 2013
Once an intriguing, but limited technology, 3D printing has become a highly viable avenue for...
Supply Chain Networks Face the 3D Printing Revolution

When it Comes to Data Migration, Automated is Best

Eric Van HofwegenEric Van Hofwegen
Jul 10, 2013
When information is one of the most valuable assets a company owns, information management becomes...
When it Comes to Data Migration, Automated is Best
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