Servitization planning for a successful transition

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 16, 2015
Transitioning to a service business: Meaningful servitization planning, healthy cash flow, and...

Servitization strategy augments company value

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 15, 2015
Become a more valuable company by following a servitization strategy For companies like MAN,...

Servitization improves revenue and customer experience

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 14, 2015
The case for servitization: Improved revenue generation for manufacturers and a better experience...

2 key elements for the productivity of cross-company collaboration

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Sep 23, 2015
As more and more companies collaborate with the businesses in their value chain, often using data...

Countdown to AX 7: Top 10 reasons for cloud deployment

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Aug 19, 2015
What does the upcoming release of Microsoft Dynamics AX, launched in the cloud first, supported...

Big Data 101: Quality, context, relevance, and actionability are key

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jul 22, 2015
Manufacturers and other businesses often assume that big data is, first of all, lots of it. That’s...

To-Increase wins Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle Award

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jul 22, 2015
Veenendaal, Netherlands — July 20th, 2015 — To-Increase has achieved the prestigious 2015 Microsoft...

Lifecycle machine productivity possible by collaborative innovation

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 18, 2015
When it comes to providing the best possible customer experience, machine manufacturers can act on...

Machine intelligence readies manufacturers for timely action

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 14, 2015
Today, we extend the great customer experience we introduced in the previous blog post, into the...
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