Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
Aug 28, 2019 8:30:00 AM

The rental sector is a dynamic one where the needs of the business evolve regularly. Even equipment rental companies that are well-established in the market can still feel the need to have a solution that will help them consolidate their position. It could be as simple as aligning different processes that have evolved with the expansion of the business. An excellent rental solution would ensure that the steps in the processes follow a logical path especially when the company’s vision is evolving with their expansion plans.

That’s just brushing the surface of how equipment rental industries are changing. You’ll find many areas to look into. They all have in common is a willingness to embrace technology innovations. That’s been a hard task for equipment rental companies. They need extremely reliable software that can handle complex, industry-specific financial and operational demands. This is important for rental and integrate everything with ERP. The good news is that rental companies are finding ISV solutions that pay close attention to rental challenges. They sculpt their offerings so that they wrap tradition and innovation together.

Here are the many features of an equipment rental solution that can help you streamline operations, reduce errors, and improve productivity:

Tighten the pick-up and drop schedules of equipment:

Even rental companies that have been in the business for years have realized that scheduling the delivery and picking up of equipment manually can result in gaps and overwork. It is vital that the people working on transportation and logistics are updated at once without any lags. An effective rental solution would ensure that all the people involved in the planning and operations of logistics are updated on the latest schedule. A graphical plan board offers the team with a clear vision of the pick-up and drop of equipment on time and with complete efficiency.

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Delivery of quality rental products in different combinations:

Today, customers are no longer satisfied with only vanilla rental products. Many customers who opt for renting equipment, are usually involved in complex projects and want to rent an array of equipment that they would need at different times. A rental solution can help an equipment rental company to offer quality rental products in various combinations to meet changing customer needs.

Mobile service to enable quick and effective communication:

Mobility is another aspect that has a significant role to play in the world today, including the equipment rental sector. Mobile access to the equipment rental solution can help the field staff provide the right information to customers, update records on the run, improve invoice accuracy, and save on time.

Improve asset quality with timely repairs and maintenance:

Equipment rental companies have to work on ensuring that their assets are in good condition at all times. To do this, they have to schedule repairs and maintenance regularly, but without affecting the times the equipment is in demand. A right equipment rental solution would offer insights into the times when the equipment would be in demand and when there would be a lag in demand.


On the cloud operations for ease and efficiency:

When an equipment rental solution is on-cloud, updates and maintenance become much more comfortable. The need for coding is less, and any changes you want to make to your solution can be configured without the need for additional IT support.

As you can see, the right equipment rental solution can help you in the many aspects that are part of running an equipment rental business. DynaRent is a complete equipment rental solution that offers a range of features that can help you manage your rental business with ease.

Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
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