Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
Aug 22, 2016 2:40:53 PM

There’s nothing simple about managing equipment rental, especially in a global, services-focused marketplace. But there is huge opportunity and reward if you’re able to turn on a dime to meet customer needs. While getting every calorie of utilization from your equipment. Success depends on how well you utilize data. Let’s look briefly at how a graphical equipment rental dashboards can transform how you work with equipment rental end-to-end. At both tactical and strategic levels.

Here’s a process flow for equipment rental that actually is pretty straightforward. This is because it’s built on access to graphical equipment rental dashboards that in turn drill into any detail you need.

The term object management refers to all equipment from the register in the rental solution. Which integrates with the ERP system—both the “whole” piece of equipment and all its parts. In addition, all information about the whole and parts—from initial purchase through all rental, service & maintenance, to final scrap or sale is continuously updated and available to all departments, across all locations. What’s key here is that planners can instantly see what’s available, from where, and when. And you can work directly from the dashboard to generate rental quotes, orders, and work orders:

The planner can drill into any detail needed about equipment, parts, location, service and maintenance requirements—including ability to see that a part needed for Customer A’s equipment will be available at the right time from a rental that’s ending for Customer B. There’s no need to purchase additional inventory or set up ad hoc servicing for the part. Maintenance for the part incorporates automatically into the order.

Moving forward, the planner can work with graphical transport and service dashboards in much the same way to organize, schedule, and dispatch end-to-end processes up through invoicing.

System-wide graphical equipment rental dashboards

All financial, logistical, and resource information is always complete and current. This is because all graphical views are built on complete, system-wide data. The dashboards filter information so that planners quickly find optimal equipment, parts, resources, transport, and the like.

Tactical and strategical level

That’s a glimpse at the tactical level. At a more strategic level, planners and other roles can work with BI dashboards to generate graphical KPIs that keep you on the right path for utilization rates, service quality and efficiency, inventory management, business-wide financials, and more.

We’ll be talking more about the inner beauty of graphical dashboards for equipment and service rental—in many ways, they can turn the phrase “nothing is simple” on its head and make complex data your best asset.

Interested in exploring how much value a rich rental management solution can bring to your equipment-driven business? Download our Rental Management Fact Sheet and explore our Rental Management page.


Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
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