Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
Mar 20, 2017 1:18:13 PM

Good news for DynaRent customer HWS and Eurosupply. And also good news for customers looking for efficient implementations for a rental management solution.

We combined a collaborative approach. Which is backed by proven industry expertise with a pre-configured implementation. HGH and HiGH Software has deployed DynaRent for both HWS and Eurosupply in less than 6 months. Successful ‘go-live’ within this timeframe was very important for these very busy rental companies in the Netherlands.

“We needed the flexibility to tailor a standard solution for some precise functionality, plus a flexible rollout process. But our deadlines were extremely tight,” says Coert Nodelijk

“DynaRent gave us standard software and a standard implementation approach. Which is still flexible and will helps us to serve our customers even better.” says Allard Maij

“We had great templates and great collaboration. They where great providers who know our business. And they truly invest in our success.” - Dick Schalekamp

“We hope DynaRent's Solution Suite helped HWS and Eurosupply to meet their ambitious short and long term strategic goals. Both companies have a team-based mindset that let us implement a complex solution in record time. We are happy that they work with us so we can continuously refine both DynaRent and how it will intergrate. We look forward to working with them for years to come.” - Michiel Toppers, HiGH Software director for sales and delivery.

About HWS and Eurosupply

Both HWS and Eurosupply are highly regarded in the aerial platform industry. Established in 1978, HWS operates a rental fleet of 1100 platforms in The Netherlands. Eurosupply has grown since 1990 into a Dutch and Belgian distributor and sub-dealer for major aerial platform brands. After HWS and Eurosupply were acquired by Coert Nodelijk, Allard Maij and Dick Schalekamp, the search began for a new, industry-specific ERP platform. One that would unify the two businesses. It pleases us that they selected a hand-in-glove fit with Microsoft Dynamics and DynaRent Rental Management.

About DynaRent and HiGH Software

With our latest version of DynaRent, we offer both proven and new ways to help your equipment-driven business thrive and grow. Since 2006, HiGH Software has worked continuously to uphold DynaRent’s status as Microsoft Dynamics most innovative ISV solution for equipment-driven industries. They combine the simplicity of a standardized, modular solutions suite with flawless Dynamics integration and ability to meet specialized needs. As part of a total business system, DynaRent brings rich capabilities for equipment rental, services, transport, logistics, and more directly to Microsoft Dynamics.

About HGH

HGH is the official strategic certified Microsoft partner for HiGH Software in the Netherlands, with more than 20 years’ focus on equipment rental- and service industries. The rich combination of HiGH Software’s IT experience and HGH industry experience is critical to meeting changing business and technology needs with full insight that’s both current and collaborative.

DynaRent customer HWS and Eurosupply DynaRent customer HWS and Eurosupply


Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
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