Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
Aug 4, 2017 7:34:58 AM

How do you make revenu in the rental industry? One of the most important and well-known areas is cross- and upselling. For example, consider the car rental industry. When you rent a car, they always offer you extra insurance, fuel options, and more.

These are the areas where a rental company can add to their main revenue stream!

But this is easier said than done—it requires the right rental management solution. With DynaRent, we provide simple tools for creating of rental orders that can easily be used for cross- and upselling.

With DynaRent, you can configure rented or sold items together with the main equipment rented out. During the creation of the rental order and its lines, it informs the employee creating the rental order automatically about the cross- and upselling possibilities—in a way that is easy to work with!

cross- and upselling
Image 1: DynaRent cross- and upselling form during rental order creation

In the above image, you can see that when you add the main rental item, a new screen automatically pops up. It informs the user about the optional, recommended, and/or mandatory supplementary rental or sales items that you can add.

Simply check what you agree on with your customer, then the lines add automatically, prices set, and logistics trigger accordingly.

The rental clerk who is currently in contact with the customer, either on the telephone, in person, or via e-mail, can directly see what he or she can offer and for what price.

These tools guarantee to funnel more revenu, directly into your rental department!

Curious about the possibilities of DynaRent for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations? Please contact us at info@highsoftware.com for more information or a demonstration tailored to your needs. When you liked this article do not forget to bookmark our blog or subscribe to our newsletter.

Michiel Toppers Michiel Toppers
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