STAEDEAN Rental Logistics Scanning
Harness the power of mobility to streamline logistics
Optimize processes, cut expenses, and simplify logistical tasks, from picking and delivery to returns, in real-time from anywhere.
How STAEDEAN Rental Logistics Scanning addresses key challenges
Improve efficiency
Reduce costs
Optimize tracking
Never miss logging equipment logistical entries by capturing the item details with the scan and check feature in the equipment rental management system.
Key Features
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Counter logistics
Deliver and return rented equipment on the job site via the rental shop (counter logistics) functionality by simply scanning the worker card and item barcode.
Process returns
Process planned and ad hoc returns in the equipment rental management system. Execute quality checks and report damages with follow-up actions like repair, replacement, or charge.
Equipment picking
Pick and ship your rental orders quickly and accurately using the mobile app for real-time updates and changes.
Item information
Gain real-time, comprehensive insights with the equipment rental management system to keep your inventory updated and provide accurate information to all stakeholders.