Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
May 18, 2010 12:00:00 AM

New reports are showing a correlation between two things that might have otherwise been overlooked: plant performance and overall business performance. That’s right, a Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) report found interesting connections between plant maintenance and business performance that has previously been overlooked.

The research in the MESA report found three key findings that linked together plant performance and plant maintenance with overall better performing businesses:

  1. Many manufacturers and producers struggled during the economic downturn, but some actually improved against business metrics

  2. Successful businesses showed improving plant operations and IT metrics

  3. Better performers are similar across industries, locations and sizes showing that improved operations and proper IT systems affects overall business performance

These new correlations are casting a brighter light on the importance of plant performance and the need for proper plant maintenance.  Combining it with Microsoft Dynamics AX actually allows businesses to make proactive decisions that can ultimately prevent equipment breakdown, errors and provide maintenance reporting, and even work order management.  All of this will increase and maximize staff productivity while helping improve overall plant performance.

Now that we see the direct link between increased plant performance and business performance, the need for a system in place to help manage all of this is paramount.

For all of the latest news for manufacturers and warehousing and distribution companies – and for more exclusive reports in the future – follow us on TwitterFacebook or LinkedIn.

Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
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