5 Significant Recent ERP Software Announcements For Manufacturers

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 23, 2011
Manufacturing high tech parts, machinery or major consumer goods depends on significant processes –...

PLM Integration With Social Media Technology

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 22, 2011
Product lifecycle management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integration removes the...

Microsoft Dynamics AX Case Study: Automated End-To-End Manufacturing

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Mar 30, 2011
“You can’t be lean and have disparate manufacturing software systems,” says Robin Schroeder, IT...
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The Importance of An Evolving Supply Chain Management Solution For IEMs

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Mar 27, 2011
Whether or not a market’s evolution can be predicted has little relevance on the absolute certainty...
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When Is It Time To Change Your High Tech Manufacturing Strategy?

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 29, 2010
“In the high tech manufacturing business, sustaining change is the key to success,” writes my...
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How Off The Shelf ERP Keeps Your IEM Budget On The Shelf

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 20, 2010
As each new year approaches, so do questions of complexity for industrial equipment manufacturers.
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Reasons behind PLM Integration failures

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Dec 16, 2010
“If you don’t get the culture right, you can throw tools at a problem all day long and get more of...
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What Are You Trying To Achieve With ERP?

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Oct 27, 2010
Does the quest to achieve ‘industry best practices’ keep you up at night? If you are among 99% of...

Top 5 Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Oct 18, 2010
Recently, I read a fantastic post by Oleg Shilovitsky over at BeyondPLM that discussed the role of...

Plant Maintenance: Key to Manufacturing No Matter What it’s Called

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Sep 6, 2010
At what point are we going to run out of discrete manufacturing acronyms?
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