Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
Dec 29, 2011 12:00:00 AM

Over the course of 2011, I’ve covered many topics here on the STAEDEAN blog. One of the more popular categories here is on Industrial Equipment Manufacturing (IEM). Like you, I’m always on the lookout for informative resources that help today’s manufactures increase operation efficiency and boost sales revenues. That’s why I’ve put together a top 6 list of the most popular 2011 IEM posts on the STAEDEAN blog. Some cover top trends in the industry and some share information on informative webinars we’ve held with manufacturing system leaders.

Top 6 IEM Posts of 2011

  1. Manufacturing Mining Equipment Management Processes Get Streamlined

  2. What 5 Trends Are Most Driving Lean Manufacturing Strategies?

  3. 5 Ways ERP Supports Efficiency & Helps Create Manufacturing Jobs

  4. Enterprise Resource Planning Cited As Top Trend in Business Systems Optimization

  5. The Clarifying Power of Enterprise Resource Planning In A Post-Recession World

  6. Conservative Supply Chain Management & Employment Outlooks Do Little To Dent Manufacturing Confidence

What do you like about each post and how could they help your own manufacturing processes?

As we move into 2012, I look forward to sharing more IEM posts that benefit manufactures, like you, that give you actionable information to manage your manufacturing business more efficiently.

To read more IEM posts in 2012, subscribe to our blog updates, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
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