Pieter de Jong Pieter de Jong
Jul 24, 2015 12:00:00 AM

Why do you need staging tables in working with STAEDEAN's Connectivity Studio for Microsoft Dynamics AX? There are a number of frequently occurring situations where staging tables would be of value in one of your integration projects. Our data management expert takes you through these usage scenarios, the steps of creating staging tables or journals, and will guide you on using them effectively in Connectivity Studio. This tutorial, specifically designed for STAEDEAN partners and customers, is available for download now.

In STAEDEAN's Connectivity Studio, different staging tables or journals are available, for instance, for sales and purchasing. To begin with, we take a look at the sales journal and what it helps you accomplish when you work on different integration or EDI scenarios.

Then, we show you how to create your own staging journal or table. We use a typical process where you import an XML file into a bill-of-material (BOM) staging area, and then import approved BOMs into Dynamics AX. First, you create a journal, and then the required messages.

Step by step, with lots of screen images, we go through the creation of the journal. When we get to journal validations, we also provide the commands and code you need to enter. Then we take you through a simple way to implement the validations on the journal and add validation buttons to your form. After adding a validation for the active company, you can add messages.

Building message imports requires certain connectors, as you will see. In Connectivity Studio, we make this very easy. Next, you create the required XML documents. After that, you create the message to import the XML file into the staging journal. You create an easy mapping, run the import, and your journal is populated with data. There is an error in the journal, but, no worries! It is easily corrected.

In the next step, you create the message to create the BOM, using approved journals. You fix another typical error, update the message to fit with the business logic in Dynamics AX, and voilà—you can create your BOM and add it to an item.

Data Management Solutions for Dynamics 365 by STAEDEAN

STAEDEAN offers data management solutions to help our customers and partners resolve any challenge in the data lifecycle—from data integration, migration, preparation, and extraction to data creation, quality, distribution, security, and analytics. Reach out to us if you would like to witness our versatile, no-code, D365-embedded solutions in action.

Pieter de Jong Pieter de Jong
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