Eric Van Hofwegen Eric Van Hofwegen
Dec 5, 2017 7:00:49 AM
Enterprise mobility can bring digital transformation to businesses with a companywide mobility strategy

Organizations often think about enterprise mobility as a way to increase productivity and revenue while reducing costs. Although this is a simple and clear concept, mobility tends to be practically complex because no single solution fits every company, role, or industry. Often, extensive customization's are needed to make solutions work. The complexity and diversity of organizations also increases the costs and risks associated with mobility solutions.

For many companies, mobility means solutions that impact their customers. However, apps for employees or to support distribution processes and operations can also play an important role in increasing productivity and controlling expenses. They should therefore be part of your enterprise mobility strategy.

Defining such a strategy requires a strong commitment from the organization, a clear understanding of the target users, a definition of the platforms to adopt, and, most critical, advanced security capabilities for data and apps. Accomplishing it depends on smart planning in line with sound policies for mobility, communications, and security.

Building your B2B and B2E enterprise mobility strategy

Enterprise mobility comprises three strategic areas:

  • Customer-focused mobility is what most organizations focus on in their mobile strategy, realizing B2C and B2B2C mobility with mobile assets like m-commerce solutions. Customer-centric mobile apps are a low-cost way to drive revenue by exposing more customers directly to a company’s products with greater frequency and using more access points.
  • Employee-centric mobility relies on mobile apps for workers who use mobile devices to access company data.
  • Operations and supply-chain mobility can reduce the company’s operational expenditures, help you increase sales, and facilitate better tracking of products and items.

Employee centric, operations, and supply-chain mobility solutions allow enterprises to improve efficiency, make processes more effective and accurate, and provide access to enterprise data anywhere and anytime. Together, these conditions can help reduce the effort and cost of distribution and operational processes and result in higher employee satisfaction and productivity.

Getting to work

Deployment of employee-centric or supply-chain mobile solutions works best when it’s backed by the company’s unwavering commitment and when employees adopt them early and rapidly. You will need to know the answer to such questions as what you expect from your mobile strategy besides increasing revenue and reducing costs. Also, which problems are you trying to solve? How will your employees adapt to more extensive mobility? How will you ensure data security?

Given the advances of modern ERP, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Enterprise Edition, mobility has to catch up. STAEDEAN is therefore evolving its enterprise mobile solutions portfolio with a new version of Dynamics Anywhere Mobility Studio and mobile warehouse management and logistics tools that can help you realize more value from Dynamics 365.

Mobility Studio integrates fully with Dynamics 365. You can easily and securely access and interact with your ERP data in any process. One of the most important challenges in implementing a mobile supply-chain management strategy is achieving flexibility in using mobile devices and platform, a problem that we can help you address. You can use Mobility Studio to build and manage mobile apps for your employees, who can use any mobile device.

I’ll be happy to discuss your enterprise mobility strategy with you. Please contact us.

Eric Van Hofwegen Eric Van Hofwegen
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