Business Integration Solutions: 3 Version Management Scenarios

Pieter de JongPieter de Jong
Dec 11, 2013
There are many good reasons to practice diligent version management in Microsoft Dynamics AX...
Business Integration Solutions: 3 Version Management Scenarios

Data Migration: Simplify Stakeholder Collaboration in Reviewing Results

Pieter de JongPieter de Jong
Dec 4, 2013
Following a data migration in your Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 environment, you need to connect with...
Data Migration: Simplify Stakeholder Collaboration in Reviewing Results

What Flying an Airplane Can Teach Us About Business Integration Projects

Pieter de JongPieter de Jong
Aug 28, 2013
It takes a lot of preparation to fly a plane -- and just as much to run successful business...
How To Create Effective Checklists for Your Business Integration Projects

Fast Data Migration to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Pieter de JongPieter de Jong
Jul 17, 2013
Do you need to import data from your business or legacy systems into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012,...
Fast Data Migration to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
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