Making Mobility Pay off for Manufacturing ERP

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jun 4, 2014
People want to take advantage of technology to access information and ERP capabilities anytime....
Making Mobility Pay off for Manufacturing ERP

Run Assembly Orders Efficiently from within Projects

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Apr 16, 2014
In the latest version of To-Increase Industrial Equipment Manufacturing for Microsoft Dynamics NAV,...
Run Assembly Orders Efficiently from within Projects

Top 5 Must-Read Books on Microsoft Dynamics for IEM Professionals (2012)

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Jan 9, 2012
As a manufacturer, you rely on multiple sources of information and insights to help you grow your...
Top 5 Must-Read Books on Microsoft Dynamics for IEM Professionals (2012)

Enterprise Resource Planning Turns 21: Will You Come To The Party?

Luciano CunhaLuciano Cunha
Apr 13, 2011
When he turned 21, he started spending time with a new crowd. They encouraged him to join an...
Enterprise Resource Planning Turns 21: Will You Come To The Party?
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