Daniel Villegas Daniel Villegas
Mar 7, 2019 8:35:34 AM

Do you think your organization has a growth culture? What does it mean when you say that an organization has instilled growth culture? While the word ‘growth’ and the term ‘growth culture’ has a lot of deep connotations for different groups of people, however, ‘growth culture’ can simply be defined as having a mindset that is set on growth rather than limited to just performance and its measurement. Having a growth culture in your organization would imply that you have people, processes, and other resources aligned to reach the next level rather than stagnating at a particular level.

Given below are the specific goalposts that we feel that you need to keep hitting to lay the foundation of a growth culture in your organization:

Improve productivity and consistency of roles: When a company ensures that roles are well-defined and offers clarity of how one team’s work supports or follows another, it improves productivity. Employees who have a clear vision on why they are doing something, what they need to do to improve the output, when they need to finish it, and how it ties in with other teams and the rest of the organization, work better. The added support of role-based security can add to the robustness of the process and help improve productivity.

Identify and encourage areas to improve agility: The way forward for this to happen is to ensure that you do away with document-centric processes and provide stakeholders a forum where they can collaborate. This way everyone would be able to grasp the role they play within the context of the process and work towards becoming more agile within their area of operations.

Strive for team collaboration and knowledge sharing: One of the ways to identify areas which need to encourage team collaboration and encourage knowledge sharing is to look at the teams that are working in silos and install transparent processes. One of the features that could help with this is mobile accessibility. With today’s workforce being very comfortable with mobile devices, knowledge sharing and team collaboration become almost an automatic step forward with the addition of mobile accessibility.

Enhance process efficiency with integration: The central aspect to remember about processes is that they need to be dynamic, which means that they have to improve and become more efficient all the time. However, a streamlined process will need to be integrated into the system to become more active and deliver excellent results.

Work towards meeting compliance requirements: Security and compliance in today’s world have become the hygiene factors without which no organization can survive, leave alone flourish. A good system the ensures role-based security and access (while balancing costs) and offers an auditable trail are a necessity. Proper training and information sharing about the security and compliance requirements are also another aspect as an organization is bound to keep adding new people.

While we have defined the five goalposts that you have to hit to inculcate growth culture in your organization, it has to be part of business process management. Want to learn more? Click here to view our short and snappy overview of business process management.

Daniel Villegas Daniel Villegas
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