Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
Jun 13, 2019 9:30:02 AM

STAEDEAN is proud to announce that we are ISO 27001 certified now!

It is good news indeed; not only for us but for you—our customer.  Our efforts towards getting certified and succeeding is another step in keeping with our philosophy of anticipating customer problems and solving them proactively.

As you must be aware, ISO 27001 is a specification for an information security management system or ISMS. An ISMS is a framework of policies, procedures, and steps that cover technical, legal, and physical controls that an organization has as part of its risk management process.

Our objective to becoming ISO 27001 certified is to:

  • Prevent unauthorized entities from accessing protected information (ours as well as that of our customers)
  • Create a process which ensures information is accurate and can be modified only by authorized users
  • Assess risks present in our business and have measures in place to mitigate the impact of a breach if any
  • To be assessed independently based on industry best practices

Here is how ISO certification benefits all of us:

Focused commitment to quality: When a company starts the process to get ISO 27001 certified, one of the first steps that they need to undertake includes evaluating their processes and finding ways to improve them.

Continuous improvement: The focus on quality does not stop with the certification; it is an ongoing process. ISO standards motivate companies to stay updated with technological improvements to facilitate transactions, promote progress, and overall business

Improved community relations: A company that is committed to quality standards will work towards improving their relationships not only with shareholders, but also the community on the whole.

Compliance and security:  The process of getting certified as ISO 27001 compliant requires having a framework, conducting a risk assessment, mitigate risks by implementing controls, train, document, conduct audits, and keep measuring and monitoring.

Our ISO certification is a big step forward in continuing to provide quality solutions and ensuring data security in all processes.


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Luciano Cunha Luciano Cunha
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