Equipment Rental Blogs

How DynaRent helps you manage your resources for planning with ease

Written by Bob Schröder | Jan 4, 2019 1:04:15 PM

Resources management is an essential element within businesses. Resources are an advertisement for your company – how they present themselves or behave on a job could make or break a relationship with a client. If you assign your resource to a task that he or she is not fit to carry out, this could potentially mean serious damage for your business image. Therefore, correctly and comprehensively storing your resources’ capabilities is an essential tool these days.

DynaRent offers this tool in the comprehensive way that is required to receive its full benefits. Resource management encompasses all the planning resources. If we take a look at our lifting services (crane rental), the operators, drivers, slingers, signalers, and so forth are all resources within DynaRent. Moreover, your cranes, trucks, and other pieces of equipment that require proper planning could be added as resources (of the type “Business Object”). In addition, you can even combine them within a (resource) group for more efficient planning.

1.1 Example of capabilities (and related info) for human resources

Once your HR and equipment are added as resources, you can assign capabilities to track certificates, skill sets, and qualifications per resource. For instance, the capability can allocated to an operator to denote that he or she is capable of operating cranes up to 90 tons. This serves not only as a tool to maintain this detailed information and its traceability (flag for when a certificate requires renewal), but this also ensures optimized planning, as these capabilities are then matched to the requirements or prerequisites for particular tasks, even based on the level of skill and priority.

These task requirements are set on various levels within DynaRent. Not only can these be listed on particular tasks, but also potentially on work locations – when written proof is needed to access this work site (as seen with work on chemical plants) – or even for specific business objects, for example,  a special license to drive a truck or particular maintenance skills. When assigning a resource to a work order task, the systems validates whether it matches the listed requirements (on all levels). If this is not the case, then a warning or error message will be shown.

2.2 Example of task requirements on a work location (for a hoisting task, a safety training capability is required)

All together, this ensures that you no longer need to worry about resource management and related planning issues, because by using capabilities and mapping these to the requirements, DynaRent can deal with this for you from now on. DynaRent is less time consuming and offers more flexibility and increased efficiency for your resource allocation management – a solution that provides the attention your resources deserve!

Feel free to reach out to us below if you have any questions or for a free demonstration of our DynaRent solution within the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations application. We are happy to help, and look forward to meeting with you soon!

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