Manufacturing Blogs

Top 5 Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs

Written by Luciano Cunha | Oct 18, 2010 10:00:00 PM

Recently, I read a fantastic post by Oleg Shilovitsky over at BeyondPLM that discussed the role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in redefining Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in the workplace. This recap will likely sound familiar to regular readers and subscribers as I quickly shared this article in my own post, Do You PLM or PDM?

But Shilovitsky is certainly not the only writer online sharing thought leading content in regards to ERP.  Every day I feel as though I discover a new blog that enlightens me just a bit more as to how others think about this critical discipline.

Until now, I’ve been selfishly keeping many of these blogs myself.  Today, I correct this gaffe as I share my five favorite ERP blogs below:

  1. Beyond PLM – Why just talk about ERP when it’s ERP / PLM integration that truly sets businesses apart? This blog by the aforementioned Shilovitsky contains news and information about ERP, PLM and every last idea in between that is of importance to engineers and manufacturers.

  2. - One of the first names in information regarding ERP is, coincidentally enough, ERP.  Visit the articles section of this site to find everything from reviews of leading ERP software (can’t help but plug here: Microsoft Dynamics AX is #1) to an excellent overview of ERP from author Don Cooper.

  3. ERP Software Blog – Featuring reviews, comparisons and opinions from Microsoft Dynamics experts, this site – updated sometimes several times weekly – is one of my daily go-to sources for ERP information.  Is a lot of the reason for my daily visits, you may ask, the fact that I work with Microsoft Dynamics?  Of course.  But if I didn’t find this information compelling and useful, I simply wouldn’t share it here.

  4. ERP Blog Entries Toolbox – This site grabs all of the blog posts floating around the Internet and compiles them in a chronological list for your convenience.  It’s one of my, until now, secret methods of staying up to date with ERP content.

  5. ERP & More - Another great blog that I’ve shared ERP content from before.  A site dedicated to helping companies select and implement the best ERP software for their companies, Chris Shaul and his team of writers post great content – with my favorite being the counter-intuitive classic, “How Not To Implement and Use ERP Software.”

Let me know what your favorite ERP blogs are by sharing them.