Manufacturing Blogs

Microsoft Dynamics AX For Special & Large Machinery

Written by Luciano Cunha | Aug 23, 2012 10:00:00 PM

In discrete manufacturing, special industry machinery is one of the most demanding. This is due to the fact that the machines to produce certain products may be completely unique from any other machine in the world. These machines’ processes tend to be more complex, and because of their specialization, there may be few people that can help when things go awry.

For these challenging settings, it’s a critical requirement to have specialized tools and implementations to help control this sometimes chaotic environment.

Wheelabrator, a STAEDEAN client, understood this and created a unique strategy to get their processes organized, while decreasing inefficiency. This strategy utilized Microsoft Dynamics AX for Special & Large Machinery to help with:

• Business Integration

• Manage multiple locations in one place

• Focus on project-based manufacturing

After the implementation, Wheelabrator succeeded by reaping the benefits. Those benefits include the following:

The Outcome

• Greater Capacity for Growth – Through an international deployment strategy, Wheelabrator strengthened its capacity for continued growth over multiple locations. With Microsoft Dynamics, the company’s executives can evaluate opportunities for expansion into new markets, by comparing costs with implementation with expected revenues.

• Enhanced Visibility – With the requirement to manage multiple locations, Wheelabrator used Microsoft Dynamics to create a single view of those facilities, with detailed data across departments in a single location. This single view gives them faster response times to customer issues, increased visibility into project costs and improved budget forecasting capabilities.

• Increased Operational Efficiency – Getting product to market fast is important to any manufacturer. For Wheelabrator, they leveraged Microsoft Dynamics to achieve shorter cycle times and increased times for production delivery.

For those manufacturers in the unique area of Special and Large Machinery, it’s even more important to control processes and streamline operations. That’s what Wheelabrator understood and implemented.  If you’re in the same position as Wheelabrator, Microsoft Dynamics AX for Special and Large Machinery might work for your company, too.

To learn how STAEDEAN can help you build an efficient and streamlined manufacturing operation, contact STAEDEAN today.