Reach out with your business scenarios and let us help you ease your transition to D365 F&SCM.

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How Can Our Solution Help You Resolve Your Data Migration Challenges?

Data manipulations 
When there is a mismatch of data values, using our migration solution, you can use transformations and conversions or default values for your data migration project.
Move transactional data
Our solution can help you migrate transactional data such as financial dimensions which are not easy to do with the standard tools in D365 F&SCM.
Using an incremental approach is important in data migration. Slowly increasing the test data set makes you capture problems quicker. You can have all scenarios tested before the final load.
Quick data imports
Our solution allows you to split larger data sets automatically. And by using multi-threading and parallel processing it also speeds up the import. You can also manage multi company imports.
Manage data exports
 Even post the move to D365 F&SCM  you can manage data imports to D365 F&SCM, and export validated data to your Bring Your Own Database(BYOD) from the ERP.
Data Quality
Post your move to D365 F&SCM, you can streamline data entry with configured workflows and assign specific fields to data owners with active data quality rules to ensure quality.

Key Features

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    Complex and manual data migrations 

    Are you working on a tight schedule but have numerous customizations and a large team of developers working on the data migration project? We can help speed up setup, testing, rework, and the final data migrations to D365 with our configuration-based solution 

    Poor data quality

    If you are considering data governance for your organization, migrating duplicate data, data with missing fields, and outdated data might not be the best data migration approach. Using our solution, you can de-duplicate data using data quality checks during the migration process and also keep it clean after the data has been migrated.  

    Mapping data with D365’s data entities

    One of the biggest data migration challenges for organizations is having complex transformations and conversions from the legacy ERP to D365 F&SCM to map data. This is due to customizations in older AX versions or in the legacy ERP the table structures are very different from D365. The great news is that our migration solution can help you with mapping fields and tables using configurations and not development!  
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