STAEDEAN Blogs & News

Want to Know What the To-Increase Team Discussed and Presented at the Directions EMEA Event?

Written by Luciano Cunha | Oct 21, 2019 4:26:01 AM

The STAEDEAN team is back from the Directions EMEA event. Our team enjoyed connecting with existing partners and met with potential partners and prospects. We garnered a lot of interest in our IEM and Food solutions, as well as our mobile solutions.

The technical sessions and discussions that our team participated in threw light on the way forward for us. We have also been able to use this forum to strengthen partnerships and take steps to set up our vertical solutions online—IEM, Food Manufacturing, and Food Distribution.

Some of the technical highlights include:

  • Cloud solutions are the way ahead
  • We are moving into a new era with lots of changes like moving from:
  • C/AL to AL
  • Windows client to Modern client
  • ERP to ERP plus Power-platform
  • Moving in to the Azure platform—like BI for analytics and integration with AI

Here are some of the main points of discussion that our team has from the event:

We are in the process of paving the way to solutions on the cloud. To this end, we have added some new features and functionalities and focused on undoing some existing modifications to make the applications more extension-friendly.

Our verticals—Discrete Manufacturing with IEM and Process Manufacturing with Food— are supported by powerful horizontals that include Product Engineering, BC Anywhere, and Business Integration Solutions.

Our Business Integration solution offers a technical layer to our products, and you can license them individually as:

  • Connectivity Studio to connect Business Central to other applications like other databases, legacy systems, or best of breed applications.
  • Replication management connects subsidiaries in master data management scenarios with publishers of master data and subscribers
  • BC Anywhere is built mainly on the business integration solutions technology and can bring any process in Business Central to a mobile device. Its stronghold is in logistical processes like warehousing.

Product engineering is a suite of products consisting of 3 building blocks:

  • Quality Management: Quality Management is like Engineering Change Management, a framework type solution providing the tools to create measurements as part of business processes.
  • Engineering Change Management: Engineering change management organizes the communication between operations and engineering and vice versa. Change Requests captures all the requests for product changes from all parts of the organization like sales, production, service, etc. For connecting to and from engineering do not have a list of ready made connectors but make use of the flexible mapping options of BIS
  • Item Status Management: Item status management allows you to define status codes to create a lifecycle for your products. In the pre-defined state changes, you can set conditions that must be met before the state change is allowed, and you can also attach action handlers that are triggered by a state change like printing a report or sending a message.

Food Manufacturing and Distribution: The functions of these solutions include process manufacturing, quality control, maintenance, pricing, distribution, container, item information, allergen management, catch weights, dual units of measure, deductions, promotions and rebates, warehousing and storage management along with ERP integration.

Industrial Equipment Manufacturing: The IEM solution includes project management from quotation to deliverables, engineering to product with engineering change management. It also includes flexible production scenarios like in-job assembly, production, operations with the resource including warehouse integration. After project completion, the hand over is made to services; the functionalities include maintenance documentation, versions, and roadmap.