STAEDEAN Blogs & News

Enterprise Resource Planning Cited As Trend in Systems Optimization

Written by Luciano Cunha | Aug 25, 2011 10:00:00 PM

How significant is technology when it comes to achieving the profitability objectives of your manufacturing organization?

Per the results of a recent survey conducted by Gatepoint Research and Microsoft:

- 61% of responders cited technology as very significant
- 51% cited Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems as among the most critical

Correspondingly, more than:

- 27% of respondents cited increased profitability as most characteristic of their organization’s strategy over the next 18 months
- 25% cited poorly integrated systems as a major hurdle towards achieving objectives

Despite the definitive correlation between the bullet points above – it can at times be difficult to provide a definitive connection.  And by definitive connection, I am talking about the proof points you need to allocate budgetary resources to technology upgrades and integration.

This all leads to the question – if your manufacturing organization falls in line with the data points above, how can you prove that the technology you integrate will help to accomplish your goals? This is more than a fair question to ask yourself – this is a fair question to ask any technology provider (including my company, STAEDEAN.)

I firmly believe that the key differentiator between manufacturers who thrive with technology – and those that struggle in spite of it – is total system integration, particularly between Enterprise Resource Planning and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems and newer cloud technology.  But me believing something, and me helping you prove it, are two very different things.

As such:

How will PLM / ERP Integration help my manufacturing organization achieve its profitability goals? The demo in the link above will show you how simple it is to integrate Microsoft Dynamics ERP with Siemens PLM software.  But more importantly, the copy in the post surrounding the video will illustrate how this integration will help you complete projects with near perfect synchronicity, leading to a quantifiable reduction in entry errors of nearly 70% – and qualifiedly faster time to market.

How will implementing ERP in the cloud help my manufacturing company boost ROI? Best in class Enterprise Resource Planning software – like Microsoft Dynamics – can not only be implemented into the cloud in roughly 30 minutes, it can help ease business complexity by providing reliable and repeatable solution sets – specific to your industry vertical.  This helps you do more than effectively manage complex processes – it helps you more efficiently connect your processes back to bottom-line results, empowering you to see the adjustments that need to be made to boost profitability.

You can see more proof points in the two demos linked to above, by contacting me directly through the STAEDEAN website.

And just as you or your industry peers kept the bottom-line in mind when completing the recent survey from Gatepoint Research and Microsoft, I encourage you to always keep profit and ROI front and center – whether you are watching a demo or interacting with a potential vendor.


Do you want to get started today? Start your transformation into the cloud today with our free whitepaper.